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5th Oct, 2024 
10 AM PT  

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Workshop Recording with Lifetime Content Updates:: Upgrade Your Order For Just $29 (Save 85%) 90% of our learners choose this add-on to stay updated with all the latest AI happenings.

Item Amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

Here's what's included in your order:

  • AI For Consultants Workshop: Learn AI strategies, frameworks, and tools to transform your consulting approach, improve strategic decision-making, and save 10+ hours every week
  • Mastering GPT-4 for Consulting: Exclusive gold-standard prompts tailored for consulting you must try
  • Business Case Study Bank: Your go-to resource for strategic insights and consulting case studies
  • Consulting Resumes Made Easy: An industry-approved, copy-paste template for crafting a standout consulting resume
  • Supercharge Your Consulting Efficiency: A repository of AI tools for research, analysis, and presentation

(Limited spots available - cart may close soon!)

48-Hours Onboarding

Our team will be in touch shortly with access details and onboarding instructions.

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